Sunny, with a high near 42. South wind 6 to 9 mph.
Not much snow on the ground, only 2-3 inches total. We had a nice slow melt yesterday which should continue today and into the weekend. It should not be enough to make water temperatures tank (they are still 40-50 degrees) or to muddy up the water considerably with the exception of areas that see heavy runoff.
Fishing has been solid the past couple of days with fish happily ignoring the weird weather outside of the water. They are eating mostly subsurface on heavily weighted scuds and nymphs rolled along the bottom. Larger fish are still chasing streamers and leeches too. Dry fly activity has been spotty, with fish eating midges and small stonefly dries as well as ants and beetles.
Creeks are flowing well and crystal clear to slightly stained.