Drizzly and windy the next few days (with a break on Friday), but not enough rain to mess up trout fishing. Things have been good actually with the cloud cover and small bump in flows. The big news is that we got word yesterday that the season and regulation changes in Wisconsin are wrapped up. That means season starts the first Saturday in January and goes continually through October 15th (no more silly 5 days of closed season)!
October 2015
This week should still be good fishing. The weather has been fantastic to be outside, a bit of cloudy and windy weather is coming mid week this week which should help with some of the spookier fish. We're still seeing olives and midges in the afternoons, and fish are responding to midge larvae, scuds, and leeches subsurface. This is the time of year that trout begin to spawn, so please leave spawning fish alone!
A couple of warm days to start the week with temperatures in the high 60s, then cooling down with a chance of showers later in the week with temperatures in the low 60s. Iowa fishing has been decent, but difficult with low, clear water and bluebird skies. It is really nice to be outside enjoying the fall sun, but the fishing is not easy. Trout are rising in the afternoon and into the evenings on midges and tiny olives. Otherwise subsurface fishing has been good on scuds, leeches, midge larvae, and other tiny bead head flies. Look for fish deep in pools early, and in the runs below the riffles in the afternoon.
A pretty heavy cold front is coming our way. What this means for fishing in Iowa is that the terrestrial bite will be all but toast after a couple frosty nights. It also means that you do not have to get up early to fish! Wait until about 9 to get on the water (or later) as the drop in temperatures will cause the water to cool down significantly and only when it starts warming up will fish feed. Fish midges and smaller scuds as well as leeches for your best success. We're still waiting on hearing about the extended season in Wisconsin for 2016. It sounds like it is stuck in the rules committee being polished at this point. We will keep you posted!
Cool and sunny all week this week. The lack of cloud cover will make fishing difficult as trout in Iowa will be fairly spooky. Olives are around pretty much daily, and it has not gotten cold enough to stop the terrestrial fishing from happening. You will also catch fish on leeches, scuds, and midge larvae right now. Creeks are low and clear with temperatures in the low to mid 50s.
Great late season weather in Iowa. There are spotty clouds which help fishing quite a bit. The limiting factor is still the sun. Fish are eating olives and midges on the surface, and the terrestrial bite will continue to be strong until we get a few frosts overnight. Subsurface fishing is good on scuds, pheasant tails and leeches. Creeks are low and clear with temps in the 50s.
Wisconsin's trout season is closed. Iowa is open all year. Sunny High 61 No need to get out too early with cooler nights the rest of the week. Look for olives and midges to hatch when the sun is off the water. Terrestrials will start being active later in the day. Subsurface fishing has been best with midge larvae and pheasant tails as well as leeches and scuds. Creeks are low and clear with temps in the mid 50s