November 2015

Late November Iowa Report

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After a few cold days and nights along with some snow, temperatures next week will get back to around 40.  Look for some clouds and drizzle, excellent news after bluebird skies this weekend.   Fish are still eating tiny bead head nymphs, leeches, and scuds subsurface while the coming warmer air, water, and cloud cover should get a few olives hatching.

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Wisconsin Season Closed. Iowa report

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The uunseasonably warmer weather continues for a couple more days.  Add to that some nice soaking rains and you have a recipe for some good fall Driftless fishing!   Later on this week the temperatures start to plummet which means fishing will be limited to the mid day sun. Midges, scuds, leeches, and a few olives are still around.  As water gets colder, more of the action will go subsurface.   Brown and Brook trout are in full spawn now, so please leave spawning  fish alone.  There are plenty of trout to catch in the deeper pools.

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Wisconsin Season Closed, Iowa looking good

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Sunny and unseasonably warm the next few days with sunny skies and temps pushing 70 degrees.  It will be incredible to be outside the next dew days, but don't expect fantastic fishing.   The last few days of the week and into the weekend are forecasted for clouds.  Should be MUCH better fishing, but not nearly as comfortable as the temperatures drop quite a bit.   Fishing has been a ton of fun on leeches and streamers with a few olive hatches in the afternoons.

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